<i>Do Not Abandon Me</i>
<i>Don't Put Your Foot in Your Mouth</i>
<i>Feet (Socks)</i>
<i>Fences Are Obsolete</i>
<i>Follow the Child within You</i>
c. 1999
<i>Friends of Cutchogue Cemetery</i>
<i>La Folie</i>
<i>Map of the Western Hemisphere</i>
<i>Mother and Child</i>
<i>Mud Slide</i>
<i>Peeking through Curtain</i>
Plate 7 of 11, from the illustrated book,<i> He Disappeared into Complete Silence</i>, second edition
<i>Please Hang in There</i>
<i>Spiraling Eyes</i>
<i>Spiraling Eyes</i>, frontispiece, from the illustrated book,<i> Les Éditions du Solstice: Annuaire de la Décennie, 1989-1999</i>