<i>Eccentric Growth IV</i>
<i>Eccentric Growth IX</i>
<i>Eccentric Growth V</i>
<i>Eccentric Growth VI</i>
<i>Eccentric Growth VIII</i>
<i>Extreme Tension</i>
<i>Extreme Tension!!</i>
<i>Extreme Tension!!!</i>
<i>For Stanley Hayter</i>
<i>For Stanley Hayter (#2)</i>
<i>Fountain (#2)</i>
<i>Germinal Bleu</i>
<i>Inside of You</i>
<i>I Will See You at 10 AM</i>
<i>I Will See You at 10 AM!!</i>
<i>I Will See You at 10 AM!!!!!</i>
<i>I Will See You at 10 O'Clock!!</i>
<i>La Famille</i>
<i>La Famille (#1)</i>
<i>La Mairie de Saint Sulpice Paris</i>
<i>La Peur de l'Eau</i>
<i>La Pousse Bleue</i>
<i>Leaves 1</i>
<i>Leaves 2</i>
<i>Leaves 3</i>
<i>Leaves 4</i>
<i>L'École du Louvre</i>
<i>Le Feu dans la Grille</i>
<i>Le Père et les 3 Fils</i>
<i>Les Cinq</i>
<i>Les Inondations</i>
<i>Le Soir</i>
<i>Les Tangos de l'Après Guerre</i>
<i>Les Traces</i>
<i>Let My Children Come</i>
<i>Losing It</i>
<i>Mon Dieu, Mon Dieu, Que le Silence Est Beau</i>
<i>Mouillés le Soir</i>
<i>Nature Study</i>
<i>Nothing to Remember</i>
<i>Nothing to Remember</i> (set 1), from the series of folio sets (1-6)
<i>Nothing to Remember</i> (set 2), from the series of folio sets (1-6)
<i>Nothing to Remember</i> (set 3), from the series of folio sets (1-6)
<i>Nothing to Remember</i> (set 4), from the series of folio sets (1-6)
<i>Nothing to Remember</i> (set 5), from the series of folio sets (1-6)
<i>Nothing to Remember</i> (set 6), from the series of folio sets (1-6)
<i>Pacifers (#1)</i>
<i>Paddle Woman</i>
<i>Paris Toujours</i>
<i>Paris Toujours Paris</i>
<i>Passages (#1)</i>
<i>Paysage Rouge</i>
<i>Pregnant Woman</i>
<i>Premier Amour!!</i>
<i>Red Confrontation (#1)</i>
<i>Red Confrontation (#2)</i>
<i>Red Confrontation (#3)</i>
<i>Rue Saint Benoit</i>